Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Old woman Essay Example For Students

Elderly person Essay The sonnet Old Woman composed by Iain Crichton Smith, passes on incredible feelings, of which the peruser is made mindful through the writers utilization of different artistic strategies, especially symbolism and word decision. Crichton Smith shrewdly incites the peruser to feel thoughtful towards the elderly person and her better half. Iain Crichton Smith starts his sonnet in a somewhat unconventional manner he utilizes the word And to start: And she, being old, taken care of from a crushed plate. By the utilization of this proceeding with word, Crichton Smith tells the peruser that this procedure is continuous; it has occurred previously and it will, in all likelihood, happen once more. Additionally in this first line, the peruser is informed that the elderly person isn't fit for taking care of herself and doesn't have the solidarity to bite as her food must be pounded for her. Crichton Smith likewise utilizes a moved sobriquet here as he alludes to the plate as squashed. By Ian Crichton Smiths utilization of these scholarly strategies, and the setting wherein he utilizes them, he effectively incites the peruser to have forceful feelings of sympathy for the elderly person. All through the principal refrain, the peruser is given data through the artists utilization of symbolism and word decision revealing to them that the lady is biting the dust. For instance: as an old horse may hang over a fence The writers utilization of the word hang has undertones of inertia and absence of vitality, and the picture of the fence goes about as a limit a boundary among life and demise. This adds to the compassion the peruser has for the elderly person as she is unmistakably hating her life. The idea of death is additionally underlined in the subsequent verse, shrewdly passed on through the writers utilization of symbolism. Crichton Smith abuses the expression, wings among the progressive harvests to speak to individuals and the certainty of death. This idea of death restores an amazing feeling of misery and even dread to the peruser. The storyteller himself is brought into the sonnet in the third verse, where he alludes to his own ground-breaking feelings which ponder the peruser. There I sat, detained in my pity and my disgrace. By his utilization of the word detained, Crichton Smith tells the peruser that his developments and activities are limited, inciting a compelling feeling of fierceness. Likewise, alluding to his pity and disgrace shows that he feels frustrated about himself and the withering elderly person. These incredible feelings are reflected upon the peruser as they presently feel frustrated about the storyteller in his hopelessness and disarray. Practically the entirety of the fourth refrain passes on solid ground-breaking feelings through a topic of franticness. In the initial two lines of this refrain, the peruser is given a picture of the spouse holding his withering wife in his arms, and begging God to spare her: Pray God, he stated, we ask you God, he said. The bowed back hushed up. Through the essayists utilization of reiteration in the primary line, the peruser is indicated the spouses distress for his wifes endurance and furthermore his absence of confidence. However, moving into line three of this refrain, the peruser is indicated the urgency of the elderly person: I saw the teeth fix their grasp around a fragile passing. This urgency of the elderly person isn't for endurance, however for death. The peruser is indicated the old womans need for death as she fixes her hold around it. This, once more, urges the peruser to have sympathy and compassion toward the old womans enduring and the spouses distress over his wifes passing. .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2e1cea649e4a , .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2e1cea649e4a .postImageUrl , .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2e1cea649e4a .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2e1cea649e4a , .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2e1cea649e4a:hover , .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2e1cea649e4a:visited , .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2e1cea649e4a:active { border:0!important; } .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2e1cea649e4a .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2e1cea649e4a { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2e1cea649e4a:active , .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2e1cea649e4a:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2e1cea649e4a .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2e1cea649e4a .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-improvement: underline; } .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2e1cea649e4a .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2e1cea649e4a .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-adornment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2e1cea649e4a:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2 e1cea649e4a .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2e1cea649e4a-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uf30ba0ffca9803a7896d2e1cea649e4a:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Compare and difference how Seamus Heaney and Carol Ann Duffy EssayIn the last line of the last verse, the author alludes to the passings of individuals as the numerous rushes of the ocean: an excessive number of waves to stamp two more or three. This is the journalists method of telling the peruser that there are such a large number of passings happening everywhere throughout the world that it goes unnoticed to the remainder of the world, and one people demise is nearly considered inconsequential. This line additionally informs the peruser regarding the certainty of death and how there is literally nothing we can do to forestall it. On ce more, this brings back the perusers blended feelings of trouble and dread. All in all, I found the sonnet Old Woman, by Iain Crichton Smith unbelievably intriguing, and furthermore sincerely upsetting. By Iain Crichton Smiths utilization of different scholarly methods, he effectively makes a clear picture of the old womans passing, which viably incites the perusers feelings.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Edgar Allan Poe Essay On The Tell Tale Hart Example For Students

Edgar Allan Poe Essay On The Tell Tale Hart Numerous creators have made extraordinary commitments to the universe of writing. Imprint Twain acquainted Americans with life on the Mississippi. Thomas Hardy composed on his skeptical perspectives on the Victorian Age. Another creator that affected writing is Edgar Allan Poe. Poe is known as the dad of the American short story and father of the analyst story. To comprehend the abstract commitments of Edgar Allan Poe, one must gander at his initial life, his scholarly life, and a synopsis of two of his well known works. Edgar Allan Poe was conceived in Boston (Inglis 505) on January 19, 1809 (Asselineau 409). He was destined to a southern family that were in a voyaging organization of on-screen characters (Inglis 505). His dad, David Poe, was from a Baltimore family. He was an on-screen character by calling and a substantial consumer. Not long after Edgar Allan Poe was conceived, he left his family. Poes mother, Elizabeth Arnold Poe, was a widow at eighteen years old. Two years after his introduction to the world, she kicked the bucket of tuberculosis (Asselineau 409). At the point when his mom passed on, Poe was embraced by John Allan (Perry XI) at the asking of Mr. Allans spouse. In 1815, John Allan moved his family to England. While there, Poe was sent to tuition based schools (Asselineau 410). In the spring of 1826, Poe entered the University of Virginia. There he contemplated Spanish, French, Italian, and Latin. He had a fantastic educational record. He got into troubles nearly without a moment's delay. Mr. Allan didn't give him the cash to pay for his charges and different necessities. Poe was confounded and yearning to go home. He figured out how to play a game of cards and began drinking. Before long he was under water more than 2,000 dollars. Poe found that he was unable to rely on Allan for money related help. His non-permanent dad would not pay his obligations, and Poe needed to pull back from the University (Asselineau 410). In May of 1827, Poe enrolled in the military as a typical fighter. He did this under the name of Edgar A. Perry. He was positioned on Sullivans Island in Charleston Harbor for longer than a year. Poe adjusted to military control and immediately rose to the position of regimental sergeant major. Sooner or later, he became weary of a similar every day schedule associated with military life. Poe composed routinely to Mr. Allan. He met with Mr. Allan after the passing of Mrs. Allan in February of 1829. With Allans support, he got his release and enrolled in West Point on July 1, l830 (Asselineau 410). While at West Point, Mr. Allan, who had remarried, proceeded in not providingPoe with enough cash. Poe chose to have himself kicked out of school. Playing hooky and ignoring orders were his answers. He was court-martialed for disregard of obligations in January, 1831, and left West Point the next month (Asselineau 411). Poe was extraordinary in three unique fields , and in every one he made a notoriety that would give any man a high spot in abstract history. Poe composed extraordinary short stories, popular in hisown nation, however everywhere throughout the world (Robinson V). Hawthorne, Irving, Balzac, Bierce, Crane, Hemingway and different journalists have given us vital short stories; however none has created so incredible various popular and extraordinary models, such a large number of stories that proceed, in spite of changing norms to be perused and republished over and over all through the world (Targ VII). Poe was the dad of the cutting edge short story, and the advanced investigator story (Targ VII). Withthe conceivable special case of Guy de Maupassant, no other author is so all around known and regarded for so enormous of a corpus of great stories as in Edgar Allan Poe (Targ VII).In 1831, Poe prevailing with regards to distributing another version of his sonnets entitled, Poems. Poe was presently in extraordinary trouble. He went to New York, yet could sec ure no position there. Inevitably he took shelter with his auntie, Mrs. Clemm, in Baltimore. There he chose to look for work and make his living by composing. Neglecting to stand out enough to be noticed with his sonnets, he chose to begin composing short stories. Poe contended in a challenge for the best short story in 1831. The prize was offered by Phil-Saturday Courier. Since he didn't win the prize, Poe began an eager task. He chose to design a progression of stories told by individuals from an abstract gathering. He found no distributer forhis stories, and participated in the challenge again in June of 1835. This time he sent one sonnet and six stories (Asselineau 411). His story, Ms. Found in a Bottle, won , and he got one hundred dollars for it (Targ IX). Through the impact of one of the adjudicators, John P. Kennedy, Poe got utilized as an editorial manager of the Southern Literary Messenger, distributed in Richmond (Asselineau 411). Under Poes editorship, the Messenger s co urse rose from 500 to 3500. While in Richmond, Poe wedded his cousin, Virginia, who was not quitefourteen years old. Poe was terminated from the Messenger in January of 1837. .u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3 , .u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3 .postImageUrl , .u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3 , .u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3:hover , .u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3:visited , .u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3:active { border:0!important; } .u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3:active , .u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: rela tive; } .u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } . u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u011e3494a008861545830b92a3407ba3:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: The Caretaker by Pinter: A Play Can Be Confrontati EssayPoe then went to New York, where he was fruitless. In the late spring of 1838, he moved to Philadelphia. While in Philadelphia, he functioned as the editorial manager of the two Burtons Gentlemans Magazine and Grahams Magazine (Asselineau 412). Despite the fact that he won an onehundred dollar prize for The Gold Bug (Robinson VI), he moved to New York. Poe got a new line of work in New York as an associate editorial manager for the Evening Mirror. This was the place The Raven originally showed up on January 29, 1845. The sonnet quickly got the creative mind o f people in general and was reproduced everywhere throughout the nation and even abroad in a wide range of papers and magazines, yet Poe took just a couple of dollars for his sonnets (Asselineau 413). The time of 1845 was a fortunate year for Poe. He distributed an assortment of his Tales and a version of his sonnets named The Raven and Other Poems . He additionally turned into the supervisor of the week after week Broadway Journal. Poe separated when Virginia kicked the bucket in January of 1848 ( Asselineau 413). In 1849, Poe kicked the bucket in Baltimore (Targ IX). Rather than truly living, he took asylum from the physical world in the private universe he had always wanted at the end of the day in the realm of his stories (Asselineau 413).In the Masque of the Red Death, Poe utilizes his creative mind all through the story (Rogers 43). A plague has crushed the whole nation. It takes just 30 minutes tofor the course of the sickness to run. From the outset one feels sharp torments and dazedness. At that point one beginnings seeping at the pores. The ailment brings about death. Ruler Prospero has requested one thousand masters and women to the profound disengagement of one of his monasteries. The structure was worked by the Prince and is loaded up with his extraordinary decorations. It is fixed from the outside world by a colossal divider with iron entryways. Inside the structure are artists, performers, and all that they need so as to remain isolated until the plague runs its course. Following a half year of disengagement, the Prince chooses to hold a conceal ball. The ball is held in a suite with seven rooms. Each room is improved in a solitary shading. The last room is brightened in red. Inside this room stands an enormous clock that hits the hour with an overwhelming bang. The rooms are packed for the ball. At the stroke of 12 PM, a visitor is found in an ensemble of the red passing itself and This scares different visitors. The Prince is irritated at what he accepts to be a down to earth joke. He arranges the outsider seized and dangled from the towers. Ruler Prospero follows the outsider into the red chamber. It is there that Prince Prospero falls dead at the feet of the outsider. The others catch the obscure individual in the ensemble. To their shock they discover there is no living structure in the ensemble. Individually beyond words nobody else remains. Passing is ruler of all (Rogers 41). The loathsomeness horrifying obscurity, and absolut

Friday, August 21, 2020

Workshops at SIPA COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Workshops at SIPA COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The following post was written by current SIPA student Lacey Ramirez.   Workshops are an exciting, practical, and professional part of the SIPA experience which provide an excellent way to merge classroom learning with real world involvement. ____________________ I know the Admissions Committee has started reading and I’ve been thinking about what advice I could give prospective students that would help them make a decision regarding schools. In other words, what makes SIPA different than the other graduate schools in international and public affairs? One major component is the workshop requirement for all SIPA students.   Workshops require students apply the practical skills and analytical knowledge they have learned at SIPA to a real-world challenge.  Students are organized into small consulting teams and assigned a substantive, policy-oriented project with an external client.   Clients include public agencies (from the local to national level), international NGOs and multi-national organizations, and major firms in the private sector. Student teams, working under the supervision of a faculty expert, answer a carefully defined problem posed by the client.   Most of the teams will travel to the country in order to conduct the work necessary to produce an actionable report at the end of the workshop that will hopefully translate into real change on the ground. Examples of MPA workshops can be found here. Here you also find links to other concentration workshops, and please note to find examples of EPD workshops you’ll need to click here. Okay, now on to my personal experience.   I am currently working on a randomized control trial measuring the effects of an education incentives program and parental involvement interventions on students’ performance and school attendance in Chiapas, Mexico. During my time at SIPA I’ve focused my studies on developing my quantitative analysis skills, and it is incredibly exciting to be able to apply what I’ve learned to a real world project. Additionally, it is important to note that before we participate in the workshop it is mostly required that we prepare for it by taking an intensive Methods for Development Practice course that covers a wide variety of tools used by development practitioners. Tools are learned and applied in the Methods course through the use of case studies to give students an opportunity to practice before the workshop.   You can find a further description of the Methods course here. In the last few weeks of the Methods course, the students (we) apply for the workshop we are interested in and they cover a wide variety of topics, including supply chain analysis, health, education and monitoring and evaluation.   Once we are assigned to our teams, we work very intensely to prepare a schedule that we will implement the following semester to meet our client’s objectives. As I write this, my workshop team has members in Mexico conducting interviews, focus groups and observational studies to gather data that will prepare a team to go back in a couple of months to pilot a final survey.   It is very, very exciting and we hope that ultimately all our hard work will be used to serve the people of Chiapas to improve education programs and communities.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Importance of Public and Audience in a Media Convergence...

SCHOOL OF MEDIA, CULTURE AND CREATIVE ARTS ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET To be attached to all assignments (ALL SECTIONS MUST BE COMPLETED) STUDENT NAME:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦HAO JING WEI†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ STUDENT ID:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦15646457†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ UNIT NAME AND NUMBER:†¦MCI212 Consumers, Audiences, Publics and Users DUE DATE:†¦Critical essay 15 October 2012 (by 4pm via email) †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. WORD COUNT:†¦1800 – 2200 words †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. TUTORIAL DAY AND TIME:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦11am to 2pm, Wednesday, C25†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦............. TUTOR’S NAME:†¦Ms. Lai Jia Weng †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT YOUR TUTOR’S NAME IS ON ALL SUBMITTED ASSIGNMENTS DECLARATION: I declare that I have retained a copy of this†¦show more content†¦According to â€Å"†¦With Telenet Digital TV you can pause programs and rewind programs that you have viewed. You can record a program by simply pushing one button and your recording is immediately stored digitally on a hard disk†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Digital television, n.d.), so you no longer have to miss your favourite TV programmes! And based on â€Å"†¦However, it’s a great leap to presume that the availability of digital networked technologies turns everyone into active participants.†(van Dijak, 2009, p.44) From these quotes and examples we can see that audiences and publics are not passive any more. Secondly, audiences and publics have more participation and interactive with production company. For instance, Big Brother is a reality TV from United Kingdom and developed in the late 1990s. This TV programme offers audiences go to the onscreen world of the programme, use mobile phones and automatic number redial techniques to try and ensure their candidate in the house emerged the winner. These are two special points of Big Brother. According to â€Å"†¦Over the past 15 years, viewers have increasingly acted as participants in game shows, quizzes, talk shows and make-over programmes†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (van Dijak, 2009, p.43) And â€Å"†¦particularly the surge of reality television has boosted the of ‘ordinary people’ in broadcast productions†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Teurlings, 2001) and â€Å"†¦In addition, the popularity of personal and communal mediaShow MoreRelatedTelevision Programs : American Idol910 Words   |  4 Pagesvoting process. When it first came out, my family and I were hooked on American Idol. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Boy Into The Mud - 1970 Words

Jo smeared the face of the helpless girl into the mud, then pummeled her fists into the girl’s back; tore her hair, kicked her ribcage. The immigrant was beyond hope; she deserved to be stuck in these neverending beatings. No, Jo decided, not just any immigrant. Worse. An Iranian. A Muslim. A killer. Jo’s mind traveled back to that day, the day her mom received the telegram, the one in the harsh white envelope. Jo’s father had been killed by Muslims in Iran. The Muslims had killed him, destroying her, and now Jo was going to destroy one of them. Soon after she and her mom received news of Jo’s father, Sabrina showed up at school. The instant Jo saw her, Jo knew she was from Iran. She wore a beautiful green headscarf, and her face showed her origins as much as Jo’s did. Before, Jo might have been happy to meet her--after all, they were from the same country--but, now, she wasn’t. Not at all. Her mind traveled back to Iran, the red velvet couch she so often flopped onto, the satisfactory orange smell that greeted her whenever she entered the house. Mainly she remembered the tea--the wonderful flavor and smell of cinnamon mixed with ginger, coconut, and lemongrass--and t he scream of the kettle, slicing through the air in an oxymoronically peaceful way. But now all of that, all of it, was gone. Grief for her father, for their reunion, for their promised future overtook her. Hate for her homeland filled her, grew, eclipsed her disgust of old, musty, formidable Chicago. SheShow MoreRelatedShort Story1580 Words   |  7 Pagesthat old-timey crap.† Then the guy called Pete comes over, and Jefra crosses her arms, but she doesn’t say anything to him. Even though it’s only a couple of minutes after ten, its already hot enough to make me feel as though I am melting into the mud pit. The two guys watch us for a moment, and Pete even licks his lips. Then he turns to me and asks, â€Å"Your sissy got a tight little puss–† But I tell both of the guys to shut up and fuck off and die, and all they can do is stumble away, laughing, andRead MoreAdolescence : `` Blackberries `` And `` When A Poor Young Boy ``846 Words   |  4 PagesConversely, a life situation can expedite the stint of childhood as some are forced to bear adult responsibilities much earlier than most individuals. Komunyakka exposes a situation similar to the latter in the literary work â€Å"Blackberries† when a poor young boy is forced to provide for himself. Many readers are cognizant of the divide in socioeconomic status throughout the poem, but upon closer analysis one will also recognize that the literary work synonymously epitomizes the transition from adolescence toRead MoreShort Story Essay950 Words   |  4 Pagesunderstand or comprehend what the teacher was saying, and being the lively, uncontrollable brats that they were, they didnt care anyway. When the teacher stopped talking, he motioned for the children to follow him along the steep, mud-covered banks of the river. The children understood this and scuttled after him, along the dangerous route that he had selected for them. As the teacher and the mob of children following him drew further and further apart, a smallRead MoreChildren s Gender Development And Family Studies Professional991 Words   |  4 PagesI would often hear the phrase, â€Å"boys will be boys.† In contrast, I never once heard the phrase, â€Å"girls will be girls.† The phrase â€Å"boys will be boys† is an excellent example of a different gender role expectation that exists in regard to expectations related to responsibility and accountability for one’s actions. Often, the phrase â€Å"boys will be boys† in response to a male child playing in the mud and getting dirty. In contrast, a female child that plays in the mud tends to elicit a different responseRead MoreBoys vs. Girls767 Words   |  4 PagesBoys Verses Girls From the beginning of time, there has always been that one question that an expecting parent has been asked: â€Å"Do you want a boy or a girl?† Generally, the answer is this: â€Å"I don’t care as long as it is healthy.† This answer may or may not always be true. Some want pretty little girls to dress up with extravagant dresses and pretty bows, and some want rumble-tumble boys to play and roll around with. Regardless of which sex is preferred, we love both. The fact of the matter isRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Crumbs From The Table Of Joy And Mud 881 Words   |  4 Pagesare usually quite controversial. In addition, her approach towards each of her plays is different, in the best expectable way. Nottage’s intention is to present the world of the play in the most unique and memorable. Crumbs from the Table of Joy and Mud, River, Stone are two plays written by Lyn Notagge that reveal her magnificent playwright skills. Both of the plays are unique in th eir own way and represents stories that are different, but also connected in a way. Crumbs from the Table of JoyRead MoreTyres Case Study817 Words   |  4 Pagestyres. Remember, everyones needs are different and just because your friend found the perfect set of 4x4 tyres does not mean that they will meet your needs. There are three main types of 4x4 tyres and they are high performance, all terrain, and mud terrain. Within each of these types you find a variety of different styles and sizes. This means that even if the type is right for you you may come across styles and sizes that dont necessarily suit your needs. Dont get too concerned about that,Read MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain922 Words   |  4 Pages1835, Mark Twain went on to write a couple of novels that have become known as an American classic. One of his most famous novels is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which was published in 1884. The novel follows the journey and adventures of a boy named Huck and a runaway slave named Jim. In chapters twenty-one and twenty-two, Twain uses diction, character, and setting to establish his purpose to create a realistic, historical background. The novel begins by introducing events of Mark Twain’sRead More Death of naturalist Essay719 Words   |  3 Pagesfertile mixture of imagery, sounds and an impression created by nature on people’s mind. Heaney sensualises an outstanding fear of the physical wonders of the world. He vividly describes his childhood experience that precipitates his change as a boy from the receptive and protected innocence of childhood to the fear and uncertainty of adolescence. As he wonders along the pathways of salient discovery, Heaney’s imagination bursts into life. The title of the poem is amusingly ironic – by aRead MoreFame Me a Match by Lauren Barnholdt673 Words   |  3 Pages The book I am reading is called Fake Me a Match I really liked this book. This book was about his one girls drama with boys her soon to be stepsister and her moms wedding. The author of this book is named Lauren Barnholdt and she wrote this book in a girls perspective of things. This book was very fun to read and kept you wondering what was going to happen next. She used figurative language in her book many times. Figurative speech is it compares two things in way that may shock you examples

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Deception Point Page 85 Free Essays

Rachel’s body went rigid. She wanted to step back from the railing, but she could not move. She was transfixed by the petrifying vista. We will write a custom essay sample on Deception Point Page 85 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Incredible, aren’t they?† Tolland said. His hand was on her shoulder again, comforting. â€Å"They’ll tread water in the warm spots for weeks. These guys have the best noses in the sea-enhanced telencephalon olfactory lobes. They can smell blood up to a mile away.† Corky looked skeptical. â€Å"Enhanced telencephalon olfactory lobes?† â€Å"Don’t believe me?† Tolland began rooting around in an aluminum cabinet adjacent to where they were standing. After a moment, he pulled out a small, dead fish. â€Å"Perfect.† He took a knife from the cooler and cut the limp fish in several places. It started to drip blood. â€Å"Mike, for God’s sake,† Corky said. â€Å"That’s disgusting.† Tolland tossed the bloody fish overboard and it fell thirty feet. The instant it hit the water, six or seven sharks darted in a tumbling ferocious brawl, their rows of silvery teeth gnashing wildly at the bloody fish. In an instant, the fish was gone. Aghast, Rachel turned and stared at Tolland, who was already holding another fish. Same kind. Same size. â€Å"This time, no blood,† Tolland said. Without cutting the fish, he threw it in the water. The fish splashed down, but nothing happened. The hammerheads seemed not to notice. The bait carried away on the current, having drawn no interest whatsoever. â€Å"They attack only on sense of smell,† Tolland said, leading them away from the railing. â€Å"In fact, you could swim out here in total safety-provided you didn’t have any open wounds.† Corky pointed to the stitches on his cheek. Tolland frowned. â€Å"Right. No swimming for you.† 102 Gabrielle Ashe’s taxi was not moving. Sitting at a roadblock near the FDR Memorial, Gabrielle looked out at the emergency vehicles in the distance and felt as if a surrealistic fog bank had settled over the city. Radio reports were coming in now that the exploded car might have contained a high-level government official. Pulling out her cellphone, she dialed the senator. He was no doubt starting to wonder what was taking Gabrielle so long. The line was busy. Gabrielle looked at the taxi’s clicking meter and frowned. Some of the other cars stuck here were pulling up onto the curbs and turning around to find alternative routes. The driver looked over his shoulder. â€Å"You wanna wait? Your dime.† Gabrielle saw more official vehicles arriving now. â€Å"No. Let’s go around.† The driver grunted in the affirmative and began maneuvering the awkward multipoint turn. As they bounced over the curbs, Gabrielle tried Sexton again. Still busy. Several minutes later, having made a wide loop, the taxi was traveling up C Street. Gabrielle saw the Philip A. Hart Office Building looming. She had intended to go straight to the senator’s apartment, but with her office this close†¦ â€Å"Pull over,† she blurted to the driver. â€Å"Right there. Thanks.† She pointed. The cab stopped. Gabrielle paid the amount on the meter and added ten dollars. â€Å"Can you wait ten minutes?† The cabbie looked at the money and then at his watch. â€Å"Not a minute longer.† Gabrielle hurried off. I’ll be out in five. The deserted marble corridors of the Senate office building felt almost sepulchral at this hour. Gabrielle’s muscles were tense as she hurried through the gauntlet of austere statues lining the third-floor entryway. Their stony eyes seemed to follow her like silent sentinels. Arriving at the main door of Senator Sexton’s five-room office suite, Gabrielle used her key card to enter. The secretarial lobby was dimly lit. Crossing through the foyer, she went down a hallway to her office. She entered, flicked on the fluorescent lights, and strode directly to her file cabinets. She had an entire file on the budgeting of NASA’s Earth Observing System, including plenty of information on PODS. Sexton would certainly want all the data he could possibly get on PODS as soon as she told him about Harper. NASA lied about PODS. As Gabrielle fingered her way through her files, her cellphone rang. â€Å"Senator?† she answered. â€Å"No, Gabs. It’s Yolanda.† Her friend’s voice had an unusual edge to it. â€Å"You still at NASA?† â€Å"No. At the office.† â€Å"Find anything at NASA?† You have no idea. Gabrielle knew she couldn’t tell Yolanda anything until she’d talked to Sexton; the senator would have very specific ideas about how best to handle the information. â€Å"I’ll tell you all about it after I talk to Sexton. Heading over to his place now.† Yolanda paused. â€Å"Gabs, you know this thing you were saying about Sexton’s campaign finance and the SFF?† â€Å"I told you I was wrong and-â€Å" â€Å"I just found out two of our reporters who cover the aerospace industry have been working on a similar story.† Gabrielle was surprised. â€Å"Meaning?† â€Å"I don’t know. But these guys are good, and they seem pretty convinced that Sexton is taking kickbacks from the Space Frontier Foundation. I just figured I should call you. I know I told you earlier that the idea was insane. Marjorie Tench as a source seemed spotty, but these guys of ours†¦ I don’t know, you might want to talk to them before you see the senator.† â€Å"If they’re so convinced, why haven’t they gone to press?† Gabrielle sounded more defensive than she wanted to. â€Å"They have no solid evidence. The senator apparently is good at covering his tracks.† Most politicians are. â€Å"There’s nothing there, Yolanda. I told you the senator admitted taking SFF donations, but the gifts are all under the cap.† â€Å"I know that’s what he told you, Gabs, and I’m not claiming to know what’s true or false here. I just felt obliged to call because I told you not to trust Marjorie Tench, and now I find out people other than Tench think the senator may be on the dole. That’s all.† â€Å"Who were these reporters?† Gabrielle felt an unexpected anger simmering now. â€Å"No names. I can set up a meeting. They’re smart. They understand campaign finance law†¦ † Yolanda hesitated. â€Å"You know, these guy actually believe Sexton is hurting for cash-bankrupt even.† In the silence of her office, Gabrielle could hear Tench’s raspy accusations echoing. After Katherine died, the senator squandered the vast majority of her legacy on bad investments, personal comforts, and buying himself what appears to be certain victory in the primaries. As of six months ago, your candidate was broke. â€Å"Our men would love to talk to you,† Yolanda said. I bet they would, Gabrielle thought. â€Å"I’ll call you back.† â€Å"You sound pissed.† â€Å"Never at you, Yolanda. Never at you. Thanks.† Gabrielle hung up. Dozing on a chair in the hallway outside Senator Sexton’s Westbrooke apartment, a security guard awoke with a start at the sound of his cellular phone. Bolting up in his chair, he rubbed his eyes and pulled his phone from his blazer pocket. â€Å"Yeah?† â€Å"Owen, this is Gabrielle.† Sexton’s guard recognized her voice. â€Å"Oh, hi.† â€Å"I need to talk to the senator. Would you knock on his door for me? His line is busy.† â€Å"It’s kind of late.† â€Å"He’s awake. I’m sure of it.† Gabrielle sounded anxious. â€Å"It’s an emergency.† â€Å"Another one?† â€Å"Same one. Just get him on the phone, Owen. There’s something I really need to ask him.† The guard sighed, standing up. â€Å"Okay, okay. I’ll knock.† He stretched and made his way toward Sexton’s door. â€Å"But I’m only doing it because he was glad I let you in earlier.† Reluctantly, he raised his fist to knock. How to cite Deception Point Page 85, Essay examples

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Theme Of Freedom Versus. Control In free essay sample

The Tempest By William Shakespeare Essay, Research Paper THE Storm Explore the subject of Freedom versus Control in the Tempest. The Tempest is a drama that explores many subjects, one of which is the subject of freedom versus control. We can research this subject by analyzing the characters in the drama. Throughout the drama there are infinite illustrations of power and authorization through control, and the desire for freedom repeating strongly along with this is emphasised in many of the characters. All the characters in the drama suffer some kind of captivity before they are free. For a start, the characters in The Tempest are all on an island of which they have no control over. Prospero and Miranda are exiled at that place after Antonio usurps his place of Duke of Milan ; therefore they both suffer a deficiency of control in their lives. Prospero, in fact, although hankering for control himself, reigns superior over many of the characters. One of these characters is his retainer, Ariel, who he freed from Sycorax after she was imprisoned in a tree for 12 old ages. Ariel has to endure rough penalty when she so much as complains of her unjust intervention to Prospero ( Act 1, Scene 2 ) : If thou more murmur # 8217 ; st, I will lease an oak And nog thee in his knotty visceras boulder clay Thou hast howled off 12 winters. Prospero here is informing Ariel that if she dares to inquiry is authorization once more, he will incarcerate her in an oak tree for 12 old ages. Ariel, hankering for her freedom, agrees to run errands for Prospero in order for him to derive control and be free, through his programs of unifying Miranda and Ferdinand. Throughout the drama, mentions are made by Prospero that Ariel shall shortly be free every bit long as she carries out his instructions. ( Act 4 Scene 1 ) : Shortly shall all my labors end, and 1000 Shalt have the air at freedom. For a small Follow, and make me serve. Prospero has besides enslaved Caliban even though he states that the island is truly his by his female parent, Sycorax. In Act 1 Caliban Tells Prospero how he showed him all the good things on the island, and in return he imprisoned him. However Prospero accuses him of seeking to ravish Miranda, so hence he should be a slave. In the subject freedom versus control, Caliban is an interesting character to analyze, because he sees freedom in a different manner. In Act 2 Scene 2 he insists that he go Stephano # 8217 ; s retainer because that will let go of him from Prospero # 8217 ; s rough bids: No more dikes I # 8217 ; ll do for fish, Nor fetch in fire, At requiring, Nor flower stalk trenchering, nor wash dish, Has a new maestro, acquire a new adult male. Freedom, high-day, high-day freedom. Although Caliban is drunk at the clip of saying these words, it is clear that his version of freedom is exchanging Masterss. Another character that Prospero has control over is Ferdinand. To prove the love between Miranda and Ferdinand, Prospero subjects Ferdinand to harsh intervention. But Ferdinand does non care about his deficiency of control and freedom, stating that every bit long as he can see Miranda one time a twenty-four hours from prison, he is happy: All corners else o # 8217 ; th # 8217 ; earth allow liberty do usage of. Because he has adequate infinite and adequate freedom ; nil affairs to him except seeing Miranda. That is his signifier of freedom. At Prospero # 8217 ; s orders, Ferdinand has to transport logs all twenty-four hours, but he is so blinded by love that it doesn # 8217 ; t bother him. Prospero, being Miranda # 8217 ; s male parent, besides has control of her. In Act 4, Scene 1, Prospero once more emphasises his authorization over the two lovers by warning Ferdinand that if he is to interrupt her virgin-knot before matrimony, Miranda will no longer be his. In The Tempest, particularly in Act 1, some characters are disputing the control that others h ave over them, and demand for their freedom. The Boatswain orders the male monarch and courtiers to go forth the deck and confines all the crewmans underneath at that place. Prospero is angry at being overthrown by Antonio and conspires to alter it, through his control over Ariel, who inquiries his right of holding her as a slave. Caliban, excessively, inquiries his imprisonment, and Prospero accuses Ferdinand of stealing the island. Gonzalo has his ain version of what freedom should be, and he states it in Act 2, Scene 1, that he believes that work forces and adult females would populate together in harmoniousness and be freed from authorities and control. He says: I would with such flawlessness govern, sir T # 8217 ; Excel the Golden Age. He dreams of a Utopian democracy in which everyone would hold freedom. It is an interesting facet of the drama to hold Gonzalo # 8217 ; s view on freedom in researching the subject of freedom versus control. He thinks that there should be no control in our society, but Antonio and Sebastian mock him. Antonio is a character in The Tempest who has acquired control by assuming Prospero # 8217 ; s throne. He proposes a homicidal secret plan to Sebastian: he will kill Alonso so that Sebastian can go male monarch, and Sebastian must besides kill Gonzalo. By utilizing powers of persuasion, Antonio is a character that has gained control. Antonio has no scruples and every bit long as he has his ain freedom, he cares non about anyone else. However, although he is likely incognizant, Antonio easy loses his freedom and has a deficiency of control as Antonio, Sebastian and Antonio are all driven into lunacy. Other characters in The Tempest, excessively, are driven into close insanity. Caliban besides proposes a homicidal secret plan to kill Prospero. Stephano agrees and says that he will do Trincolo and Caliban his deputies. But Stephano, Trinculo and Caliban are haunted by Prospero # 8217 ; s liquors. Caliban complains in Act 2 Scene 2 how he is tormented by Prospero # 8217 ; s liquors: His liquors hear me.sometime am I All lesion with adders, who with cloven linguas Make siss me into lunacy. Once once more, Prospero has managed to derive control and make a deficiency of freedom in the lives of others. Throughout The Tempest, Prospero has aspired to accomplish many things: to unify Naples and Milan through the matrimony of Miranda and Ferdinand and so he will recover his dukedom ; to hold retaliation on Alonso, Sebastian and Antonio ; to get the better of the wicked natures of others ; to get away the island ; to liberate Ariel ; and by and large unite everyone. Prospero is basically a good adult male: through control he has been able to be successful in most of these things. However, Ariel persuades him ( Act 5 Scene 1 ) to hold commiseration on the male monarch and courtiers, so through Ariel, Prospero abandons his programs for retaliation and alternatively decides he will be merciful and give up all his thaumaturgy powers. In the terminal of the drama, Alonso asks for forgiveness and vacate all claim to Milan. It is merely Antonio and Sebastian who have non apologised and acknowledged their evil. The subject freedom versus control in The Tempest is really of import. There is a changeless interaction between both freedom and control. All the characters have some kind of freedom, and yet they all have some kind of control over them, excessively. Through the geographic expedition of the characters in the drama, it can be determined that Prospero is the chief provoker of both freedom and control. Prospero himself, nevertheless, is non free until the terminal of the drama. Prospero has been restricted from entire freedom from the beginning of The Tempest. Whether or non Prospero # 8217 ; s concluding words be repeating the concluding words of one of the universe # 8217 ; s greatest dramatists, William Shakespeare, Prospero asks the audience for forgiveness. As it is with many of the characters in The Tempest, it is merely with the credence of the control over them that they can so genuinely be free.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

A Catholic Civil War free essay sample

An argumentative analysis of the catalysts of the Great Western Schism. This paper deals with the causes of the Great Western Schism. The author focuses on the events leading up to it and tries to pin down the one event that served as the catalyst for the Schism to happen.The author discusses such events as the election of Urban VI, the politics before the election and the personality of Urban himself. During the middle and end of the 14th century, the Catholic Church went through a major division. A division within the church is called a schism, and this particular division turned into what is now known as the Great Western Schism. The difference between most schisms and this one is that most schisms are generally divisions along religious views, while this one tended to be more political.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

The eNotes Blog Eight Million Stories Humans of New YorkProject

Eight Million Stories Humans of New YorkProject â€Å"There are eight million stories in the Naked City. This has been one of them.†    From The Naked City In 2010, Brandon Stanton lost his job as a trader in Chicago.   Despite his mothers objections, Stanton moved to New York City to pursue the latest thing with which he had become borderline-obsessed:   photography. At first, Stanton was only snapping pictures of the citys residents. His original goal was simply to photograph 10,000 New Yorkers and plot their photos on a map.   But after a few months, Stanton began adding captions and commentary to the photographs.  Ã‚   Taken together, the photographer explains,   these portraits and captions became the subject of a vibrant blog, which over the past two years has gained a large daily following. With nearly one million collective followers on Facebook and Tumblr, HONY now provides a worldwide audience with glimpses into the lives of strangers in New York City. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald called New York City the wild promise of all the mystery and beauty in the world.   Some eighty-eight years later, it still holds all that mystery and beauty, and through his lens and careful attention, Stanton helps develop those stories in colorful resolution. The following are just a few of my favorite images and stories. Follow Humans of New York here. I found these two in Central Park. After I took their photo, I began to ask Dad some questions, but ended up getting some perfectly valid, yet generic responses: What was your happiest moment? When my daughters were born. What’s the  proudest you’ve been of your daughter? I’m always proud. What was the saddest moment of your life? I’d rather not say. After a few more attempts, I resigned myself to the fact that the man wasn’t going to reveal any details about his life. His reserve was perfectly understandable, but I left a bit downtrodden. Because I loved the photo and was hoping to pair it with a great caption. When I got home, there was an email in my inbox: Dear Brandon, I saw you in Central Park this evening with my daughter (red head). You asked me about my happiest day I told you when my daughters were born (I meant it). You asked me what the saddest day in my life was i told you I’d rather not answer. Well, it was Aug 12, 2006 on that day, my wife and I lost our first baby she was 36 weeks pregnant (his name was Peter). It was horrible. But now we have 2 beautiful little girls, so Im grateful. The reason I was unable to provide a specific answer to questions about my happiest day or what makes me proud about my girls because everything does. Thank you. I’m an artist. I paint murals. What would you say to a young artist? Fuck the rules. This man was cruising through Central Park, while his dog jogged out in front of him. â€Å"They keep trying to give us tickets, said the man, â€Å"So I taught him a trick. Watch this. He shouted: â€Å"Police! And the dog jumped up on the scooter. She does her thing, I do my thing. We interact in between. We’ve been married 30 years, and that’s how we like it. The girl on the right told me she wanted to be a veterinarian. Then, almost as an afterthought, she threw in- â€Å"Also, the President of America. Charmed by her extremely ambitious postscript, I chuckled a bit.What are you laughing at? said Dad. What are you reading? Rimbaud. He’s a 19th Century French poet that turned romanticism on its head. Before him, poets tended to associate nature with order and harmony, and extended that to man. He was the first to really describe nature and man as chaotic and unpredictable. He was especially good at expressing teenage angst. OK, I’ll give you 60 seconds to find a passage that demonstrates what you just said. Here’s what he chose: The wolf howled under the leaves / And spit out the prettiest feathers / Of his meal of fowl: / Like him I consume myself. (Hey, is it just me or does this girl remind you of a Robert Crumb drawing too) She agreed to a photograph, but seemed a bit uneasy about the whole â€Å"being interviewed by a stranger thing. I really liked the photo, so I kept trying questions, hoping to strike on one she felt comfortable answering- but no luck. Eventually she said: â€Å"This feels like a really bad date. If you could give one piece of advice to a large group of people, what would it be? Stay away from large groups of people. What’s your favorite thing about your dad? He works really hard outside. But after that, he still rides bikes with me. You know the scariest drug I ever did? What’s that? Sobriety. I tried that shit, and suddenly I realized that my girlfriend was insane and all my friends were assholes.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Bullying at Health care Work Places Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Bullying at Health care Work Places - Essay Example As the paper outlines workplace bullying has been recognized as one of the most recurrent internal issues which affect health care dissemination. In definition, workplace bullying is any form of abuse that is repetitive in a way such that the victim suffers intimidation, threats, verbal abuse, humiliation, or just any act which keeps them from performing their duties to the best of their ability. The danger of workplace bullying affects both the professional and patient in this context of health care. In the light of these, the following study will highlight the issue of health care workplace bullying, and support that it limits the dissemination of health care, thus endangering the lives of patients. From this paper it is clear that workplace bullying in health care is a big problem which affects the professionals and their patients as well. Again, he states that bullying will lead to lack of morale and feelings of helplessness, and any health care professional subjected to such conditions cannot perform well. The reasons offered as to why a health care professional may bully another include the need to control others, lack of remorse or guilt, an exaggerated sense of self, or being overly stubborn amongst others. Some forms of bullying include lack of appreciation by supervisors where credit is due, unfair degradation occurs, being falsely termed as incompetent, or denial or requested help. The list is endless. The impact of bullying is dangerous since it may lead to lost productivity, high turnover, work dissatisfaction, work-related injuries, and absenteeism. Collectively, these factors affect the patient most since they lack sufficient care, or receive low quality care, or l ack any care at all.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Assignment Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Assignment - Research Proposal Example Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injuries are the most rare injuries.(1- JM) Most suspected knee disorders become diagnosed first through conventional radiographs (X-rays). These radiographs are effective in demonstrating fractures because the show bones and joint spaces. Their sensitivity to soft tissue conditions remains low except in conditions where the tissues contain mush calcium or fat. X-rays are also relatively insensitive to destruction of medullary bone and loss of cartilage as well. The basic examination consists of lateral and ante posterior (AP) projections of the knee.(Carmen MartÄ ±Ã‚ ´n-Herva ´s) Radiographs and CTs remain effective modalities for post-operative imaging following ACL reconstruction. CTs, however, depict femoral tunnel in more accurate manner than radiographs. The radiation dosage however, is almost double that of the radiographs and this should be effective considered when utilizing CTs over radiographs ( Anagha et al). Plain radiographs provide limited assistance in dealing with sports related injuries. They can only be indicated in circumstances where there is significant impact injury. Positive findings are however, occasionally demonstrated in ACL disruptions, where there is depression of the lateral femoral notch, and segond fracture. Computed Tomography (CT) provides effective analysis for categorizing fracture of the tibia plateau. Ultrasound imaging is utilized minimally together with magnetic resonance imaging when analyzing many knee injuries. Ultrasound becomes reliable in assessment of quadriceps and patellar tendons, when symptoms of injury are located within the anterior joint, and are focal. Ultrasound easily identifies collateral ligaments. Injuries to these ligaments are however associated with derangement and MRI becomes essential in demonstrating the full spectrum of the injury (12- EUGENE G). MRI utilizes high soft tissue contrast and multiplanar capability in

Monday, January 27, 2020

Brain Mechanisms Controlling Drug Addiction Reinforcement

Brain Mechanisms Controlling Drug Addiction Reinforcement Discuss how theories relate drug addiction to endogenous brain mechanisms controlling reinforcement, and look at how these theories may be used to improve the effectiveness of treatment of addiction In psycho-biological terms addiction is regarded as the perceived need for a drug or substance and the potential for the subsequent re-use of that substance often manifesting itself in a pattern of drug induced behaviour. This has indicated a connection between the behavioural pattern of a user and the biological cravings that are associated with this pattern of behaviour. Due to this relationship between dependent and abusive behaviour patterns and the biological and psychological cravings for the wanted substances, research has gone into establishing the effects of drug addiction and their basis in psychology resulting in many neurobiological models. In terms of patterns of behaviour, operant conditioning provides a convenient, easy and reliable way of adjusting any subject’s pattern of behaviour under the conditioning of a controlled and changeable environmental. This has been conducted in research in an easily observable manner that was then able to account for factors pertaining to addiction and the potential for abuse through accordance to a pre-devised model. Through the notions of positive regard, response and reward and through shaping behaviours this could then be adjusted to test any independent variable. This acts as a convenient methodology for observing the effects of drugs and was devised by early Psychopharmacological researchers in a bid to examine the relationship between drug use and behaviour patterns. One such piece of seminal research that incorporated this relationship was conducted by Dews (1953). In his founding study, Dew began a program of operant studies in an attempt to observe the behavioural ef fects of drugs to see how it could act as a precursor for addiction. His initial experiments on the behavioural patterns observed in animals led to the establishment that a schedule of reinforcement maintaining a pattern of behaviour could play a critical role in determining the effects of a drug (Dews, 1955). Through operant conditioning and behavioural observation he was able to discern that the dose-effects of the drugs used in his experiment varied in terms of performances that were maintained under two different schedules of reinforcement. However, he was also able to observe that there was a dose range in which the rate of behaviour would increase in one schedule condition, whilst it decreased in the other condition. This was an early indication that drug addiction depended upon the schedule as much as it did the dosage. Essentially, addiction was determined by patterns of behaviour as much as patterns of behaviour were determined by drug usage. In these early experiments, Dew s was able to ascertain that stimulants would increase the probability of a pattern of behaviour as it pertained to the relevant classification of a drug. However, he was also able to note that the drug could decrease the probability of any given pattern of behaviour itself. This research indicated that there was a variety of concepts at play within the role of addiction, such as tolerance, abuse, dependency and reward. In contemporary research, we can see that these factors have been incorporated in an attempt to identify the mechanisms in the brain that lead to dependency, abuse and addiction through the parsing of reward. This was devised by Berridge et al (2003) as the investigation to find the neuro-pharmacological basis for three main psychological components essential to the parsing of reward and onset of addiction. These were the concepts of learning that included the explicit and implicit knowledge produced by associative conditioning and cognitive processes, an affect or emotion such as implicit liking and conscious pleasure associated with the experience of the drug, and motivation; suggested as the implicit incentive salient wanting and the accompanying cognitive incentive goals. Essentially, this three way split revealed that learning (Dews schedules of reinforcement), craving (the perceived effect of the drug) and habit (Dews patterns of behaviour) were the major contributing and operating factors in the role of addiction. Examining these three essential components, Franken (2003) was able to discern an attentional bias that indicated the need for relevant clinical approaches and treatments. It was concluded that cognitive processes would mediate between the drug stimulus or craving and the subjects learned response to the stimulus and subsequent behavioural response (e.g., drug use, relapse). It was revealed that a conditioned drug stimulus produced an increase in dopamine levels in the corticostriatal circuit, in particular the anterior cingulate gyrus, amygdala, and nucleus accumbens, which in turn served in drawing the subjects attention towards a perceived drug stimulus. This process resulted in a motor preparation and a hyper-attentive state towards drug-related stimuli that, ultimately, promoted further craving and relapse. This meant that craving was induced by stimuli rather than by a depletion of drug within the body’s circulation or the adherence to a schedule. The implications of thi s are that a person surrounded by stimuli is more likely to be susceptible to the biological onset of craving and subsequent abuse or relapse than those who are dependent upon a schedule of reinforcement and behavioural pattern. In subsequent research, the effects of a drug upon the user where tested against two groups; those of long term use and those of relatively short term use, in an attempt to see if there was a difference in the variation of tolerance, both cellular and behavioural. In a study conducted by Koob (2005) the immediate effects of drugs were compared to those observed after long-term exposure to see what role tolerance played. A neurobiological basis for drug dependence was proposed from the linkage between the cellular and behavioural effects of these drugs and the tolerance towards them. This meant that there was an inter-relation between behaviour and drug effect that could indicate drug dependence and subsequent treatment strategies. Although there appears to be a relationship between the behaviour patterns of drug taking and a neurobiological basis for drug dependency that may indicate areas of potential treatment and areas of potential relapse and abuse, it would appear that this is based primarily on a system of perceived reward. However, earlier research has indicated a system that does not depend upon reward. Research by Koob et al (1998) suggested that it was drug ‘seeking’ that was associated with activation of reward neural circuitry. Whereas, drug addiction in its entirety involved a dark side defined as a decrease in the function of normal reward-related neuro-circuitry and persistent recruitment of anti-reward systems, drug abuse did not. They proposed that understanding the neuroplasticity of this dark side of the circuitry could be the key to understanding the vulnerability to addiction. This research can be seen as a way of indicating the effectiveness of the potential to relapse after the successful treatment for drug addiction as well as a way of determining the neurobiological potential for drug addiction. >From these studies, we can seen that drug addiction is linked to the neurobiological system of the brain that in conjunction with environmental factors such as stimuli, behavioural factors such as schedules, and cognitive factors such as reward, can be identified and treated through the addressing of reinforcements and their relation to cravings and dependency. Bibliography Berridge, K, C., Robinson, T., (2003) Parsing reward. Trends in Neuroscience. 26, 507- 513. Dews, P.B. (1953) The measurement of the influence of drugs on voluntary activity in mice. British Journal of Pharmacology, 8, 46-48. Dews, P, B., (1955) Studies on Behaviour. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 113, 393-401 Franken, IHA., (2003) Drug craving and addiction: integrating psychological and neuropsychopharmacological approaches Prog. Neuro-Psychopharm. Biol. Psych, 27, 563-579 Koob, G, F., (2005) The neurocircuitry of addiction: Implications for treatment. Clin. Neurosci. Res., 5, 89-101 Koob, G, F., Sanna, P, P., Bloom, F, E., (1998). Neuroscience of addiction. Neuron, 21, 467-476.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

A University Student Budget Sheet :: Papers

A University Student Budget Sheet In this assignment I will be consulting a university student’s Budget schedule I will be offering the student advice on how to solve problems when in dept by offering an student loan, grants etc. I will be referring to the budget schedule to what areas the student can cut sort on to cover the other costs mostly needed to be covered. UNIVERSITY STUDENT BUDGET SCHEDULE Mouthly Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Total INCOME DESCRIPTION University Student (Grant)  £142  £142  £142  £142  £570 Interest and dividends  £0  £0  £0  £0  £0 Savings  £150  £0  £0  £0  £150 TOTAL INCOME  £292  £142  £142  £142  £720 EXPENSE DESCRIPTION Beauty shop and barber  £5  £0  £5  £0  £10 Cable TV  £15  £0  £15  £0  £30 Clothing  £50  £0  £50  £0  £100 Credit card payments  £25  £0  £25  £0  £50 Electricity  £50  £0  £0  £0  £50 Entertainment and recreation  £25  £25  £25  £25  £100 Gas company  £50  £0  £0  £0  £50 Gifts  £15  £0  £0  £15  £30 Groceries and outside meals  £15  £0  £0  £0  £15 Household  £15  £10  £10  £5  £50 Laundry and dry-cleaning  £3.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Nucor Corporation Case Analysis Essay

1. What are the primary competitive forces impacting U.S. steel producers in general and the producers like Nucor that make new steel products via recycling scrap steel in particular? Please do a five-forces analysis Rivalry among Steel Producers There is a fierce competitive force in this industry. Rivalry revolves heavily around price competition because most steel products are commodities. Producing steel of satisfactory quality is most producers are familiar with. In a commodity market like steel, it is hard to distinguish products of one steel producer from another. I this type of market condition, buyers make a choice among lowest/best price sellers. Moreover, competitively, meeting customers’ delivery schedule requirements is also a relevant consideration for the buyers. This particularly holds true when rival sellers are charging fierce competitive prices. Nucor is figuring out how to use low-cost scrap steel recycling technology to make a wider and wider range of steel products. Nucor is using its newly developed technological capabilities to enter a fierce battle for market share in the new product categories. Competition from Substitutes A moderately strong competitive force: there are substitute products that compete with steel. For instance, aluminum, plastics and other materials can be used in place of steel in some products. The Threat of Entry A moderately strong competitive force: it is less likely that new start-up firms will enter the steel industry. According to this case, existing steel producers are anxious to operate their plant at their full capacity. It is more likely to seek out customers in geographic markets where they do not currently have a presence. Moreover, it is clear that new entry may occur when companies like Nucor and Mittal Steel acquire less successful steel  producers and try to turn the operations of the newly acquired companies into strong contenders in the marketplace. Nucor’s recent acquisitions, for example, represent entry of a potent and competitively successful steel company into either product categories or geographic areas where its presence is minimal. Similarly, Mittal Steel’s growth via acquisition strategy has turned it into a major competitive force worldwide. Bargaining Power of Suppliers There is a moderate competitive force in case of scrap steel suppliers and unionized steel companies but there will be a weak competitive force otherwise. There is an indication that suppliers are major competitive factors. However, the price of scrap steel is a key input for mini-mills and rising scrap prices can put them at a competitive disadvantage. But scrap steel prices appear to be a function of overall market demand-supply conditions rather than a function of the power of individual suppliers of scrap steel. Bargaining Power of Customers A moderate to weak competitive force when demand is strong and in short supply but a potent competitive force when demand is weak and steel suppliers are anxious to win a customer’s business. The competitive conditions in steel can be tough when the supply is greater than demand and that price competition tends to dominate the competitive environment because of the commodity-like nature of steel products. 2. What driving forces do you see at work in this industry? Are they likely to impact the industry’s competitive structure favorably or unfavorably? Three factors qualify as driving forces here: A. Technological innovation in steel-making via electric arc furnace technology, thin-slab casting, and direct casting of carbon steel that has allowed companies like Nucor to enter product segments formerly dominated by the integrated mills of producers using older, more traditional steel-making technology. This driving force is acting to increase the competitive pressures that mini-mills are putting on the integrated producers. There is an unfavorable result from the standpoint of integrated producers but a  highly favorable result from the standpoint of the producers like Nucor that are leading the charge to use new low-cost steel-making technology. B. Steel-making capacity worldwide exceeds the demand for steel, such that companies anxious to operate their plants at full capacity are seeking to find foreign customers for their output. Thus a number of foreign steel suppliers are shipping some of their output to the U.S. This puts them in a head-to-head competition with domestic steel suppliers. High-cost domestic steel suppliers are the hard hit by imported foreign steel. C. Industry consolidation to a smaller number of larger and more competitively successful steel companies (lead in part by the acquisitions of Mittal Steel and Nucor) is acting to increase competitive pressures. Aggressive companies like Nucor may be able to acquire efficient plants at bargain basement prices and enhance their long-term competitive market position. The industry outlook and competitive structure is much brighter for a low-cost producer like Nucor, which, is in a good financial position. In other words, tough industry conditions do not hit all competitors equally hard. As one of the industry’s low-cost producers, Nucor is in good position to gain sales and market share at the expense of the high-cost producers and those exiting the marketplace. Thus an industry’s market environment may be unattractive to some rivals doesn’t necessarily mean it is unattractive to all rivals because tough conditions for some may mean attractive opportunities for others. 3. How attractive are the prospects for future profitability of U.S. steelmakers? Should Nucor consider expanding in this type of industry environment? Why or why not? All the U.S. steelmakers have different prospects for future profitability. High-cost steelmakers in the U.S. are in a risky position, earning profits because of short supplies and historically high market prices, but facing a weaker future when demand weakens and the market prices for steel products slip. A low-cost producer like Nucor is easy to gain sales and market share at the expense of high-cost producers, although it must certainly fight off low-cost foreign suppliers opting to sell in the U.S. to achieve this result. Hence, we think Nucor should certainly consider expanding its capacity via both additional acquisitions and the construction of new plant capacity. And Nucor should probably be somewhat aggressive in doing so, since it has proven expertise in operating plants efficiently and profitably. However, many domestic steel producers  need to understand expanding in the present environment unless they have the knowledge and ability to do so. There is a tendency for domestic steel producers to acquire and expand existing steel mills rather than to construct new ones. In doing this, they can avoid price-cutting and overcapacity during excess supply of steel products. 4. What type of strategy has Nucor followed? Which of the five generic strategies discussed in Chapter 5 is Nucor employing? Is there any reason to believe that Nucor has achieved a sustainable competitive advantage over many of its steel industry rivals? If so, what type of competitive advantage does Nucor enjoy? Low cost provider: continued plant upgrades, cost reduction, and greater control over raw material costs. Very clearly, Nucor is pursuing a low-cost leadership strategy. Such a competitive approach often is the best strategy in a commodity product industry. Nucor has been successful in achieving relatively low production costs. Nucor builds plants inexpensively and operates them efficiently. Nucor’s record of profitability during hard times in the domestic steel industry is clear evidence that it is a low cost provider as compared to other domestic steel producers in the U.S. Nucor has to go far away from domestic competitors. No domestic competitors appear to have costs as low as Nucor. Nucor has a sustainable low-cost advantage over domestic steel producers and that it seems able to hold its own in competing against low-cost foreign steelmakers. 5. What are the specific policies and operating practices that Nucor has employed to implement and execute its chosen strategy? Some of the specific policies and operating practices that Nucor has employed to implement and execute its chosen strategy (in pursuit of low-cost leadership status) include: ï‚  The aggressive implementation of cost-saving technological improvements Nucor’s incentive compensation system for both plant employees and senior managers Nucor’s HR practices and policies such as its no-layoff policy and its empowerment of plant employees The company’s low-cost culture and operating practices. The company’s pursuit of innovative technologies to inter into new market segments ï‚  The emphasis on decentralized decision-making and a very lean corporate staff. ï‚  Employees were kept informed about company and division performance. Most all employees were quite aware of the level of profits in their plant or division. Nucor plants were linked electronically to each  other’s production schedules, and each plant strived to operate in a just-in-time inventory mode. 6. What specific factors account for why Nucor has been so successful over the past several decades? Do these factors have more to do with great strategy, great strategy execution, or great leadership? There are several factors that account for Nucor’s spectacular success over the years: 1. Nucor’s a low-cost leadership strategy. Nucor is an excellent example of a company with a winning strategy (a clear reason for the company’s success). 2. All of its operating practices, policies, and procedures are great competing strategies for Nucor, but it has also implanted and executed those strategies effectively and efficiently. 3. Nucor has had great strategic leadership, especially, in the case of Ken Iverson, Dan DiMicco, and senior executive team is a big reason for the company’s success over the long-term. Therefore, Nucor is a standout company in an industry that is highly competitive and profitable. Nucor can be an example of â€Å"great strategy + great strategy execution = great management â€Å" 7. What is your assessment of Nucor’s financial performance the past several years? How strong is the company’s financial condition? Financial Analysis Assessment of Nucor’s financial performance in the past several years and the company’s financial strength can be analyzed mainly using Nucor’s case Exhibits 1, 2, and 3. Based on the data on Exhibit 1, the following Compound Annual Growth Rates (CAGR) of Tons Sold for Outside Customers, Total Net Sales, Total Earnings Before Tax, and Total Net Earnings are analyzed: Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) = [(Ending Value / Beginning Value)^(1/n)] – 1 The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of total tons of steel sold to outside customers from 1970-2006 and 2007-2011 is 13.86% and 13.99% respectively. These figures show that there is an increasing trend in the total amount of steel sold to the outside customers. CAGR in net sales from 1970-2006 is 17.06% and the net sales from 2007-2011 is 18.06% CAGR in earnings before taxes from 1970-2006 is 21.84% and that of from 2007-2011 is 19.05% CAGR in net earnings from 1970-2006 is 22.74% and that of from 2007-2011 is about 20% The calculated result clearly indicate that Nucor has been able to grow its business very consistently over the past several years from 1970 to 2011 even though there were fluctuations in the total tons of  steel sold after 2008 as indicated in Exhibit 1 on page C-215. The data in Case Exhibit 2 indicates that Nucor is in good financial shape and that its financial performance has been particularly strong from 2002-2008. Using the financial ratio information provided along with calculations of CAGRs, we can determine the following: Nucor’s net sales grew from $4.8 billion in 2002 to $23.7 billion in 2008, a very healthy CAGR of 25.62%. The strong increase is due both to rising unit sales volume and rising selling prices per ton (we can see in columns 2 and 3 of Exhibit 1 on page C-215 and also the data in case Exhibit 3 on page C-221). Nucor’s net earnings grew from $162.1 million in 2002 to $1.83 billion in 2008; and CAGR of 41.4%. However, the big gains primarily came from 2004-2008 period. Financial Ratios Based on the above table the cost of goods sold as a percentage of net sales in 2007, 2008, and 2009 is 81.14%, 82.90%, and 98.62% respectively. The rise in percentage of Nucor’s cost of goods sold during 2007-2009 is more a reflection of a depressed sales price for steel products than of costs running out of control. This implies that the rate at which the sales decreased is greater than the rate at which the cost of good sold decreased  because in Exhibit 2 both the net sales and cost of goods sold shows a decreasing trend. However, the net sales decreased by more than 50%, whereas the cost of goods sold decreased by a little less than 50%. Generally, there is from 2007 to 2011, we can conclude that there is a fluctuating trend in the cost of products sold as a percentage of net sales. Likewise, the marketing, administrative, and other expenses as a percentage of net sales has a fluctuating trend due to a fluctuating trend in both net sales and marketing, administrative, and other expenses. Generally, all things considered, Nucor is in very good financial shape. If we look at the balance sheet statement from 2000 to 2006 as a representative of the whole data, Nucor’s working capital has increased from $821.5 million in 2000 to $3.23 billion in 2006, giving it substantially more fund to conduct business operations and more financial flexibility. The company’s current ratio has climbed steadily during the 2000-2006 period as well. When we look at the cash flow statement, Nucor’s cash flows from operating activities climbed from $820.8 million in 2000 to $2.25 billion in 2006. This implies that Nucor’s cash flows have been sufficient to cover its annual capital expenditure. As far as Nucor’s long-term debt is concerned, even though Nucor’s long-term debt climbed from $460.5 million in 2000 to $922.3 million in 2006, Nucor’s long-term debt as a percentage of stockholders’ equity dropped from 21.6% to 19.1%; the company clearly has the ability to handle the higher level of debt due to acquisition. 8. What issues does Nucor management need to address? To be more financially and competitively successful in the years ahead, Nucor has to address the following issues: In Nucor’s case, we see the following issues: International expansion should be strengthened. For example, Work more on  value added products Expansion into developing countries Developing strategic aliens with other steel producing companies (Caterpillars) to better strength themselves. Union formation is a key to employee rights Recommendations Continue to pursue a low-cost leadership strategy Continue to seek out profitable opportunities to expand the company’s production capacity. Expanding into the markets of foreign countries needs to be pursued very carefully and cautiously because of its exclusive access to lower- cost steel-making technologies

Friday, January 3, 2020

Women in Psychology - Margaret Washburn - 1458 Words

Women in Psychology – Margaret Floy Washburn PSY/310 May 23, 2011 Women in Psychology Margaret Floy Washburn was an accomplished and highly-recognized woman within the field of psychology in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Her interests were equally divided between science and philosophy and thus, Washburn made the decision â€Å"†¦to pursue â€Å"the wonderful new science of experimental psychology†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Goodwin, 2008, pg. 200, para. 2). Under the tutelage of E. B. Titchener, a British psychologist, Washburn became the first woman to receive a doctorate in psychology in the year 1894 – a monumental feat at the time. Her field of study was â€Å"†¦of the effects of visual imagery on tactile sensitivity† (Goodwin, 2008, pg. 200, para. 2).†¦show more content†¦3, para. 2). Washburn the Teacher. In 1903, Washburn returned to her alma mater, Vassar College. For the rest of her life, her studies and commitment remained to both psychology and Vassar. â€Å"Under her leadership, within five years an in dependent department of psychology was formed. Settling at Vassar gave Washburn personal satisfactions, a laboratory, and a position from which she vigorously continued to pursue the many psychological, esthetic, and literary interests through which she more firmly established herself as an eminent person both in her own time and in psychology’s history† (Goodman, 1980, pg. 5, para. 2). As stated previously, Washburn was a leading pioneer for women in the field of psychology. Her teachings demanded excellence of all of her students – in particular, the women. With her encouragement, many of her female students pursued graduate degrees in the various areas of psychology. Feeling appreciative of her support, in 1928 Washburn’s students presented her with a generous gift of over $15,000. Rather than use that money for her own pleasure, Washburn established scholarship funds for students of psychology at Vassar. (Goodman, 1980, pg. 6, para. 3). Washburn t he Author. Washburn’s most widely recognized and acclaimed publication was The Animal Mind. Written at the start of the beginning of the 20th century, itShow MoreRelatedWomen Contribution to Psychology1633 Words   |  7 PagesWomen Contributions to Psychology Jovon Sutphin PSY/310 8 March 2013 Brandi Reynolds Abstract The essay is written about Margaret Flow Washburn. The essay speaks of her background from her early teenage years and progressing through her career as a psychologist, her battles of a womanRead MoreMargaret Floy Washburn : Introduction Of Psychology1451 Words   |  6 PagesNoel Umbricht – Introduction to Psychology Margaret Floy Washburn, PhD Margaret Floy Washburn was born on July 25, 1871 in New York City to parents Reverend Francis and Elizabeth Floy Washburn. 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